Release Note #9

You can also watch our video review of this release update:

All you need in one place

Something you have been waiting for is already here: a private “Board” where you can view your events, and vacancies, as well as all objects you are responsible for, which require your decision 😍 

There will be a special bonus for managers and TLs that will appear in the next releases – the ability to view your team members’ boards and obtain all necessary information in a single place. This function will not be available to everyone. If you want to activate it, please contact us at

We will release the “Board” piece by piece: each new release will uncover new features. First, we release actions with vacancies and your events. Other tabs will be visible but you won’t be able to click them and view the content. 

You can read more about these new features in the following articles: Actions – Vacancies and Events today.

Plans for future releases

In the next releases, you will have a chance to view the candidates you are responsible for and make decisions on them right from the board. Apart from that, we will open tabs with favorite objects and more!

There are a lot of exciting and useful features ahead so if you don’t want to miss them – follow us through our manual and email letters 😉