What is object?

You will see the word “object” more than once in our instructions. We use it quite often, but you may wonder what it is all about.

An object is everything that is created, edited and deleted in the system. These are the building blocks of the system that you work with on a daily basis and on which the entire work of the system is based.

The entities in the system are:

  • Users
  • Companies
  • WorkSpaces
  • Candidates
  • Vacancies
  • Requisitions
  • Events
  • Tasks
  • Tags
  • Roles
  • Hiring stages
  • Forms.

That is, whenever you see phrases like “in the object’s profile”, “when you click on an object”, just know that something from the list above is implied here. For example:

Object profile = candidate profile, vacancy profile, user profile, etc.

What is an object ID and where to find it?

Each object in the system has a unique number that distinguishes it from other objects. For example, the very first candidate in the system will have ID 1, the next one will have ID 2, and so on. The object ID is displayed in its profile, in the Main information box.

An ID can be used for easy and quick information retrieval, but can also be useful when searching for activities by the object you want (See Filter in Activity)