Actions – Requisitions

In this section, you will see requisitions of the workspace you have access to that need to be either negotiated or taken into work by you.

Requisitions to be negotiated (Approved/rejected)

Requisitions in the “On check” status will be displayed in this tab if you are selected as one of the users responsible for the requisition negotiation

In this case, you will see the “View requisition” button that will redirect you to the requisition profile. Read more about requisition negotiation here.

Requisitions to be taken into work

Requisitions in the “Approved” status will be displayed to you if you have such role types as “Junior recruiter” or “Recruiter” and access to view requisition profiles

In this case, you will see the “Take into work” button. After clicking this button, you will be redirected to the vacancy creation page on which the corresponding requisition is already attached. 

All requisitions are sorted in order from the newly updated to the long updated.