
How do I edit information about a candidate?

You can edit a candidate’s information if you have the appropriate access settings. In order to change the information about a candidate, click on his/her name in the “Candidates” tab.

Then click the icon (“Edit“).

You can also edit a candidate by clicking on the three dots to the right of the candidate’s name in the Candidates tab and by selecting the Edit action.

How do I attach a resume or other documents to a candidate’s profile?

You can attach the necessary files to a candidate using one of these methods.

  • Click on the name of the desired candidate in the Candidates tab. Go to “Files” and click on “Upload Files…” 
  • In the candidate list, click on the three dots in the Actions column near the candidate name and select the “Attach files” action.

Is there a limit on the formats and sizes of the uploaded files?

Yes, you can only upload files in certain formats (pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, odt). The maximum file size is 20 MB.

How do I schedule an interview with a candidate?

Click on the name of the necessary candidate in the “Candidates” tab.

Then, click on the vacancy card of the candidate

Then, click on the current stage to open information about it.

Next, you need to schedule the event.

In the event creation window, you will see that some fields are blocked and unavailable for editing.

This is because this event is created from a stage and fields such as Title, Workspace, Event Type, Color, Vacancy, and Candidate are taken from the candidate walkthrough.

You only need to select the time, location, optionally meeting room (if one has been added to your company), and description.

In addition, you can invite other users to the event. They will be notified of the event by email. 

After filling in all the information, click on Add. The event you created will be displayed in the walkthrough stage and in the calendar. 

Display in a stage:

Display in a calendar:

Another way is to schedule an event right from the calendar. For this, go to Calendar and click on the “Add an event” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Fill in all necessary fields and save the event. You may notice that when you create an event from Calendar, all fields are available to you.

On Friday I scheduled an interview for Monday, and on Monday the notice came that the stage was overdue, but the event hasn’t passed yet, has it?

Each stage is given a certain time limit and it does not depend on when you schedule the event.  For example, the “First Interview with a Candidate” stage has a two days limit. If you schedule an interview on Friday for Monday, the time limit will be counted for all days starting from Friday so you will be notified on Monday that the stage is overdue. 

How to reject a candidate?

To reject a candidate at one stage of the pipeline, go to the candidate’s page from the list in the Candidates tab. Click on the vacancy card in the candidate’s profile. 

You will see a pipeline with hiring stages. Click on the red “Reject” button and select from the list one of the rejection reasons in the “Reasons for rejection” field and write a comment if necessary. 

After that, click on the “Reject” button on the right (as displayed on the third screenshot). From this moment, the candidate’s status will be set to “Inactive“, and the next stages will be closed for editing. 

What if I accidentally rejected a candidate and now want to cancel my action? 

In this case, you can cancel your action by clicking on the “Restore walkthrough” button at the bottom of the stage. The walkthrough will be restored at the stage when you rejected the candidate.

Note that you can only restore a walkthrough if you were the one who rejected the candidate. 

How to hire a candidate?

You can hire a candidate for the vacancy if you are the responsible user for the candidate. To do this, you need to go to the “9. Candidate’s probation period start” stage and after completing all mandatory actions, click on the “Hire” button. 

You can also cancel your action. To do this, click on the “Restore walkthrough” button at the bottom of the stage. The candidate will be restored to the stage where he/she was hired.

How do I reassign a candidate to another vacancy?

The system does not allow you to reassign a candidate to another position with the preservation of the previous walkthrough. If you want to reassign a candidate to another vacancy, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Reject the candidate for the current position commenting on the reason that you are reassigning him/her to another position.
  1. In the candidate’s profile, click on the three dots and select the action Assign to vacancy, and select another vacancy.

Note that you will need to walk the candidate through all the steps all over again since this is a different position.

Who are the responsible users?

Responsible users are set during the creation of hiring stages, as well as during the creation of a vacancy or a candidate. The responsible user has the right to make a decision on the candidate during the vacancy walkthrough. (Approve/Reject/Restore/No answer/Reserve/Hold). 

How to delete a candidate?

You can only delete candidates in the New status, that is, those who have never been assigned to a vacancy. To do this, click on the three dots in the Actions column and then on Delete