Contacting support service

If you are facing a technical problem in HedgeHog System, you may contact our support service by sending an email to

Or you can use the “Contact Support” button on the top right of the system. 

To make it easier for us to fix your problem, we need to find out as many details of your problem as possible. Please use the instruction below on how to send a request to our support service. 

  1. Describe the problem you’ve encountered

The more detailed you describe it, the easier it will be for us to understand what’s wrong and the faster we can help you. You are advised to use the following template form to describe your problem: 

  • System role – you can find out your role in the system by going to Settings – Profile. You will see your role in the system under your name.
  • Version of the OS – learn how to find out the version of the OS you are using here
  • Version of your browser – learn how to find out the version of the browser you are using here
  • Problem description – For example, “I wanted to create a requisition and clicked on the “Requisitions” block in the sidebar. After that, an error appeared, a screenshot of which is attached” or “When creating a new event in the calendar, I can not click on the Create button, although all required fields are filled out.’’
  1. Attach the files that may confirm the problem

This can be shots of your screen, error pages, videos of the action that causes the error. This step is extremely important because without visual confirmation it will be difficult for us to find out the essence of your problem which in turn will slow down its solution.

  1. Optionally, add other users of the system to the copy of your email

That way, they will also know about your request and receive a reply from the support team as soon as the problem is solved.

Once you have made sure that all the necessary information is provided, you can send an email. Our support team will try to help you as quickly as possible 🙂