Release note #4

New updates are already here! Check out what HedgeHog team has prepared for you this time 🙌🏻

New opportunities 👋

React and reply to comments by other users

You may now react or reply to the comments left by other users in the candidate, vacancy or requisition profiles. Choose an emoji that best suits your reaction or click on the Reply button in the comment window to leave a detailed reply.

The system will display which comment you are replying to so the reply chain will not get you baffled. 

You can react with more than one emoji and see how other users reacted to the comment. 

You can react and reply to the comments either in the current vacancy stage or in the Comments tab of the candidate profile. 

The comment creator will receive a notification about a new reaction or reply to his comment. 

Improvements 🌟

More flexibility with the actions in the vacancy stage

We know how problematic it was not having a chance to edit a comment and evaluation for the candidate or change the event date. We heeded your requests and extended the possibilities for editing the actions in the vacancy stages.


If the event is created in the candidate’s current vacancy stage, you can edit or delete it.

If the stage with the event has already passed, you cannot delete it but you can cancel the event or edit it by changing the time of the event. Note that after canceling the event, you won’t be able to restore it. 


If the comment is added in the candidate’s current vacancy stage, you can edit the content of it (except for the Title).

If the stage with the comment has already passed, you cannot edit the comment. 


If the evaluation is added in the candidate’s current vacancy stage, you can edit it (except for the Title).

If the stage with the evaluation has already passed, you cannot edit the evaluation. 

Easier to check the requisition negotiation process

We added a filter by the user responsible for the requisition negotiation in the Requisitions list. 

Additionally, we made it possible for you to see the negotiation chain without a need to open the requisition profile, just click on the View button right to the name of the requisition – work faster with less effort!

Events can now be appointed 10 days backwards 

Forgot to schedule an event in the system? Don’t worry, now you can select a past date when creating an event so as not to mess up your calendar.

Pay period and comment to the salary (Vacancy / Requisition)

You may now select the period for which the salary is displayed as well as provide additional information about the salary in the Comment section. The following information will be indicated in the requisition or vacancy profile afterwards. 

Improved evaluation card view

If you add more than one evaluation to the candidate’s profile, they will be shown in two columns so as to economize the space.

Filter by companies in vacancies and requisitions

We added a filter by company in vacancies and requisitions to facilitate your search in case you have access to more than one company.

Track the latest updates to your candidates or vacancies 

You want to know who updated the vacancy you are working on? Now it’s simpler than ever: you can see who and when made the last update to the vacancy, requisition, candidate, event or task. Just open the profile and look at the Last update field.  

New eye-catching loader in the original HedgeHog style

Bug fixes 🔧

Fixed a bug in the selects system-wide

When you type the next query in the selects such as Responsible recruiters, Responsible for a stage etc, you won’t need to erase the first letters of your previous query after selecting the next one.

Fixed bugs with the forms

Some minor bugs connected with the creation and use of the forms have also been fixed by our team.

Fixed requisition notifications

We fixed the notification for the recruiters about the necessity to take an approved requisition into work. 

The same concerns the notification for the requisition creator and managers that their requisition has been taken into work.

Improved texts and translations across the system

That’s all for now, but we continue working on the new features and improvements to make your user experience smooth and enjoyable 🥰