Release note #1

We are happy to announce that we have recently released an update to the system that fixes some bugs, improves block display, and adds a new feature for Security officers that you should know about 💡

So, what have we done so far?

New opportunities 👋

Released “Block a candidate” function

The Security Office now has the option to block candidates during rejection. Such candidates cannot be edited. Also, you cannot assign a blocked candidate to another vacancy

If the blocked candidate had other active walkthroughs, you will only be able to reject them on all other vacancies, the other buttons (Next stage, Hold, Reserve, No Answer) will not be available.To do this, select the rejection reason  “Candidate was blocked on another vacancy”. 

You can recognize such candidates by the crossmark next to the candidate status

The vacancy card for a blocked candidate looks like this:

Improvements 🌟

Added hints when hovering over the “Company Cancellation/Candidate Cancellation” walkthrough status”

Now you can find out the reason why a candidate was rejected without going to the candidate’s profile itself

All you need to do is hover over the walkthrough status icon in the Vacancies column of the Candidate List

Made the system remember how the sidebars are positioned

If you open the sidebar or filter menu in one block, the system will remember their position and show them in the same way even when you go to another block.

Added an icon for a quick move to the candidate and vacancy profiles in the Task card

Now you can quickly go to a candidate or vacancy profile from the task card

Added a preloader to the Calendar to display the calendar loading 

The Calendar now has a preloader, like in the other blocks, to let you know that the calendar is in the process of loading

Changed the display of some columns in the list of candidates, vacancies and requisitions

The list of candidates, vacancies, and requisitions now has a more convenient display because we removed some columns from these lists. It became much easier to navigate in the list because you do not have to scroll a lot to find the necessary information about the object you need. 

You will always be able to find the information you need about the object by using filters.

In the Candidates block, we reduced the display of vacancy titles so that the responsible recruiter column became visible without scrolling.

In addition, we changed the display of the column with the names of vacancies and requisitions. Now you don’t have to scroll through the list to see what workspace the vacancy was created in. WorkSpaces are displayed below the vacancy and requisition names.

We added a scroll bar to the candidate’s walk through the vacancy

The candidate walkthrough now has a scroll bar so that those who use a laptop touchpad can easily scroll through the hiring pipeline

Bug fixes 🔧

Fixed bug with inability to edit an event if an occupied meeting room is selected

If you select a meeting room that is occupied for your time and then edit the time or meeting room fields, the system will unlock the “Create” button and you can select any other available time or meeting room for your event. 

Fixed a bug that caused the tasks created by users in the Tasks block to disappear from the general list of tasks

Now all the tasks that you created for yourself are again visible at the top of the task list

Our plans for the nearest future 🚀

Internal forms

We continue to develop and implement internal forms so that you don’t have to use Google Forms. We have already written the documentation, developed the design, discussed the basic requirements and started implementing this functionality.