Release Note #12

In this release, we focused on improving the Board, and also did what many of our Ukrainian-speaking users have long been waiting for – implemented the Ukrainian version of the system 🥳

So what’s new?

New opportunities 👋

Complete tasks directly in the Board

In the Board, you can now see and complete tasks assigned to you. To do this, just go to the “Actions” tab -> sub-tab “Tasks“.

In addition to the tasks that you have created yourself, you will also see the tasks that you need to complete at the candidate stages.

Read more about the Tasks tab in this article.

Everything you wanted to know about your current vacancies in one place

Don’t waste time on complicated searches, because in the new “Vacancies” tab, you will be able to keep track of how many employees have already been hired and how many are still to be found for the vacancies you are responsible for as a recruiter or manager!

Moreover, it will be even easier to collect information about the current status of the vacancy, because
you will see the distribution of candidates by stages on a single page.

If you want to know more about the candidates at the stage, you can click on the number of current candidates and open a sidebar with more detailed information about candidates who have previously passed the stage or are currently at it.

Read more about the “Vacancies” tab in this article

Track the progress of your candidates

All candidates in your vacancy that you are responsible for as a recruiter or manager will be displayed in the “Candidates” tab of your Board. You will be able to see how many of them there are, at what stages they are currently, and in what status.  

If you want to quickly perform any action with a candidate, the system will gladly provide you with this opportunity. Add comments and files, assign to vacancies, or transfer candidates to Reserve using the action menu in the candidate’s card!

💡 Since we have just launched the Ukrainian version of the system, you may come across errors in texts or buttons in the system. If you notice any error, feel free to write to us here: Your help is invaluable!

Read more about the “Candidates” tab in this article.

Plans for future releases 🚀

That’s all for now! In the next release, we will finalize the Board and start developing new useful features for you. See you next time 😉

If you find a bug in the system, please contact technical support at