Release Note #11

A little New Year’s bonus for our users – expanded Board options and fixed bugs with notifications 👇🏻

New opportunities 👋

Perform actions with candidates directly in the Board

In addition to viewing the candidates that are currently on your stage, you can now also perform actions such as scheduling an event, adding a comment, etc.. – right in the Board.

💡 To see and perform actions on your candidate in the Board, make sure that you are responsible for your stage or for actions on a stage.

Read more about how to correctly add responsible users for the stages in this article

Bug fixes 🔧

Fixed bugs with notifications

In this release, the team also worked on fixing problems with e-mail and system notifications that occasionally didn’t come to our users.

Plans for the next releases

HedgeHog team has just returned from a break and is already preparing some useful updates of the Board functions and not only 😉

So, let the new year bring you many new achievements. Happy New Year 🎄

If you found a bug in the system, contact the technical support team via