Actions applied to the forms

Click the three dots in the “Actions” column near the form name. In the drop-down list, you will see the actions available to you. Blocked actions are marked with light gray.

  • View form – opens the form profile with all the information about the form;
  • Edit – you can edit the form settings (Name, Description, View results restriction settings) Please note: once the form is created, you cannot edit the form questions, as well as the Kind of form and Company where it is located;
  • Add a result – after adding a result it will be attached to the candidate, and users who are selected as responsible will be able to complete the form (applied to External and Internal forms only);
  • Archive – you can move the Active form to the archive;
  • Activate – you can move the Archived form to the Active forms;
  • Copy a link – you can copy the link to complete the anonymous form;
  • Copy to new –  use this action if you want to create a new form with identical information. Clicking on the action will open the form creation page in which the fields from the previous form will already be filled in. You will only need to click on the “Save” button;
  • Download PDF – you can download a PDF copy of the form to your device;
  • Delete – you can delete a form if no results have been added to it yet.