Adding questions to the form ↴

You can now begin to add questions to the form. When you click the Add an element button, you’ll see a list of all form elements where you will find all the question types and additional elements to create the form. (See Elements to create a form)

After you select the necessary element, you will see a sidebar to the right of the list of questions that allows you to customize the element by entering a name, a placeholder, and additional text. Depending on the element type, additional settings are possible.

The text you entered will instantly appear in the form preview to the left of the settings. 

You can use the icons located in the upper right corner of the element card to make different actions with an element:

– Edit an element;

– Duplicate an element;

–  Delete an element.

Below is an example of how to create an recruitment satisfaction survey:

First, you need to fill in the fields in the Survey Settings block (See Initial Form Setup). After that, you can proceed to the form itself:

  1. Add a “Heading” element. In the panel on the right, enter the heading text and the description that will be located under it. 
  1. Add a dividing line below. You can choose a line style: Solid or Dotted to visually separate the blocks of questions.
  1. Now you can move on to the questions themselves. Select an element, such as “Short Answer
  2. On the right side of the panel enter Question, Placeholder and Additional text
  3. You can select the question validation. For example, if you want users to answer the question “How old are you?” with a number only, select “Numbers only”, etc.
  4. You can also make this question required by enabling the “Required field” switch
  1. Once a question has been created, move on to the next one. Depending on where you want the next question to be located, you can click the Add an element button above or below an already added question.
  1. Once all questions have been added, click Save to make the form active or Save to Draft to refine it later. If you want to cancel creating the form, click Cancel.
  1. You can see the added form in the list of all forms. Now you will have access to various actions with this form (See Actions with forms) 

The Single choice and Multiple choice elements have two additional options that you can use:

  • Shuffle options – shows the answer options in a random order;
  • “Other” option – adds an additional option “Other” with a possibility to leave a comment.

Single choice (with points)

If you create a quiz, only Single choice element is available to you. Unlike the survey, you can specify the number of points for choosing the right answer option if you create a quiz. Also, you can use the “Shuffle options” switch to show the answer choices in a random order.